How did Benedictine Military School help to shape you?
“Fr. Anthony (Wesolowski, O.S.B.), his Latin class, I remember that because when I first got there, oh my goodness, there was a lot more studying that I had to do. I started going to get tutored in Latin. I brought my grade up from something very lacking, I think it was a D, and brought it to an A. And I never looked back after that. I took Latin I and II. Fr. Anthony was very inspirational, always very motivating. Coach Tommy Cannon was (at BC) and not only was he the disciplinarian and my government teacher, but he was the basketball coach. And I was a basketball player. I’d get it in school and then at practice. He’d have me run until I got tired. I’d say the discipline from Coach Cannon, a lot of the things he said to me at the time kind of went over my head but as I got older, I understood it. (Former BC Headmaster) Fr. David (Griffin, O.S.B.), some of the things he said at the time went over my head at the time but now I understand it. Even Fr. Meinrad (Lawson, O.S.B.), he helped me get my first job by just suggesting that I go fill out an application. He showed me how and said, ‘All they can say is no.’ That showed me that regardless of whether you think you’re going to get it or not, put your hat in the game. Just go ahead and try and let’s see what happens. So many lessons. It was a smaller school then so even if you didn’t have a person for class, you still were around them, in their presence. When I talk to my students, I relate to them with lessons that I learned in the classroom at BC. I was no honor student at BC but all those lessons and techniques that I picked up from my teachers, when I take that into the classroom that’s honors-level teaching that I’m giving them. I really appreciate that. Note-taking skills. How to study. I learned how to study at BC. My junior year in college, I really began to see a big difference, a big gap, in what we did at BC and what we were doing even (at Savannah State). And even when I was getting my master’s degree, and my specialist (degree). The things I learned there in high school, I use even today in the adult world in just how to present findings, your thoughts, how to talk to people. We learned public speaking. Brother Tim (Brown, O.S.B.) had us learn how to take notes. I learned to take notes in a very orderly way. I still use that system. I teach that system to my students and it helps them organize their thoughts.”